"I noticed that there were no entries in this guest book, so putting shyness aside I am glad to be the first entry here. I have nothing but very positive things to say about our experience using your photo and video service for our daughter Gabby. It is hard to find a person that is so down to earth, understanding, knowledgeable, PATIENT, professional, and most of all a photography with a special talent for capturing very awesome and special moments with competitive prices and flexible to meet our budgetary needs.
Having our memories recorded for our keepsake and to share with our family and friends is very important to our family. I am very satisfied and thankful for such wonderful work you did and your team. I love knowing that in the middle of the chaotic moments i went through as we planned Gabby's Quince, you were around with a calm voice and demeanor that was just contagious. I can't recall a single time in which you said no to any request i had for you. When murhphy's law became reality and anything that could go wrong was going wrong, it was very encouraging to hear your calm voice and always told me "it will be ok" or "no problem" or "don't worry about a thing" and definitely "YES". If we add to this the ideas you brought to the table to help us figure out a solution. when we encountered problems or obstacles, then we had the perfect combination to have a satisfactory outcome.
Usted menciona en el intro de esta pagina que, ''Un cliente satisfecho es un amigo mas" y estoy de acuerdo con ello. Mil gracias por atendernos como reyes y hacerme sentir apoyada de su parte. Sus sugerencias fueron varias y muy buenas. Esperamos ansiosamente el video de nuestro evento, espero sea pronto.
I am positively sure that i will be using your service in a very near future. I can fully recommend you as an excellent and professional photographer.
Pat G.-dlr
Gabby's Mom.
"OUTSTANDING!!! We Loved Your Work"
-Anthony Gabby's Dad
"These photos are beautiful almost as beautiful as the event itself I love your guys work."
-Karen Robinson Mother of Groom
"These are great pics. Made me get teary eyed just looking through them and remembering all of my band-geek moments :)"
-Jessica Morales
"Great pictures Gus"
-Thomas Gurley
"Bonita la boda y buen trabajo del fotografo gracias y felecidades a los novios"
-Mario Zamora Father of the Bride
OMG!!!! I love your pics. They are georgous.
-Agnes Castillo